Community Calendar
Avon Chamber of Commerce 7th Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser
- Orders due by Wednesday, November 13th. - Pick up is on December 5th at the Avon Chamber of Commerce Office at 8244 E. US Hwy 36, Suite #140 in the HRH Avon Medical Building ...
Avon Chamber of Commerce 7th Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser
- Orders due by November 13th. - Pick up is on December 5th at the Avon Chamber of Commerce Office at 8244 E. US Hwy 36, Suite #140 in ...
Are you smarter than a Scam Artist? Fraud Alert!
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
In light of the alarming increase in scams and fraudulent activities affecting the community, we strongly encourage you to attend this upcoming Fraud Alert workshop at the Brownsburg Public Library on October 16 from 5:30-7:30 pm. As scams become more ...